Signs Your Pools Needs Resurfacing

Pool renovations Fort Lauderdale can be the perfect opportunity to bring the pool into the 21st century. When your pool is dated, it’s time for an upgrade. Of course, unless there is something major wrong, an upgrade can be an unnecessary expense. Pool resurfacing is one of those necessary expenses you can’t avoid, unfortunately. This is a serious problem for a pool to have and must be fixed as soon as possible. So, what are the signs your pool needs to be resurfaced, and how can you deal with the problem? Check here!

Top Signs the Pool Needs to be Resurfaced

  • Cracks Begin to Appear in the Pool
  • Rust Stains in and around the Pool
  • Structural Cracks Begin to Form
  • Peeling or Flaking Plaster Near the Floor or Steps of the Pool
  • Stains and Roughness

There are many signs a pool needs to be resurfaced, some are very discreet, others not so. Of course, it all depends on the age of the pool and whether proper maintenance has been conducted. Even then, things happen with a pool. So, it’s important to check regularly for any signs of issues, especially when it comes to structural cracks and other such things. Pool remodeling Fort Lauderdale might not be needed entirely, not if it’s just to resurface the immediate area. This will, however, depend on what needs to be upgraded within the pool.

Come Up with a Suitable Budget for the Remodel

Firstly, it is necessary to work out a budget before you go in search of any company or contractor. While you might think this is unnecessary, it’s vital to create a budget because you can’t just spend an untold amount of cash. Pool renovations Fort Lauderdale needs to be planned carefully, even if it’s just resurfacing. You need to know how much you can afford to spend and what you’re likely to do with the money, such as resurface the pool and add a water feature. If you have no budget, you’re going to overspend.

Get Several Quotes from Reputable Companies

Whether you want to do major pool remodeling Fort Lauderdale or just resurface the pool, it’s necessary to get a few quotes first. The more quotes you have, the better the choice you can make. You can find a company that fits your budget and is best to handle the resurfacing. Of course, it all depends on whether you want to make this minor renovation or go for a full remodel project. In most cases, a minor renovation is needed to bring the pool into the modern world.

Do What’s Necessary for Pool Renovations Fort Lauderdale

Your pool needs to be resurfaced, but that doesn’t mean you need to completely overhaul the swimming pool. You should only do what’s necessary if you still have a functioning pool. For instance, the pool must be resurfaced. Everything else in the pool is functioning. So, it makes sense to stick to the resurfacing. On the other hand, if the pool was tired and dated, you could do major pool remodeling Fort Lauderdale to bring it up to code. You could install new LED lights and update the filter system, or even add a water feature. These things are worth doing when the pool isn’t functionable anymore.

A Modern Pool

When resurfacing is necessary, it isn’t as difficult as you might believe. Of course, this needs to be done by a professional. You need to create a budget, call a few contractors for quotes, and choose the right person for the job. The pool is an important part of your home and if resurfaced properly, can remain functionable for several years more. So, whether you want to go all out for your pool renovations Fort Lauderdale or just resurface the pool, ensure the best contractor is on hand to help. Read our another article: